Friday 31 October 2014

The Way to Heaven...

This is part 31 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

Thank you all for following me throughout this challenge. Your lovely comments and encouragement have meant the world to me. Do hope you will stick around as I'm planning to do awesome things with this blog!

See you on Monday!

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So you'd like to take part in a blogging challenge...

This is part 30 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

As I'm approaching the end of the writing challenge, there are a lot of things I'm becoming more and more aware of. Most of all: how glad I am that I decided to do this. Over the years at university, composing utterly unexciting, rigorous essays, I completely forgot I actually love to write. And all of a sudden my long buried dreams of becoming... well... something of a writer, are coming back to me and they feel so irresistible. I don't know where all of this is leading. I don't know what's waiting for me behind the next bend of the road. But I suspect that whatever it is, it will find me writing. Creating.

I just love the term 'wordsmith'. If I dared to have a wish, it would be to become one - a master of words. Someone who's able to use them for the best kind of communication, the one between two hearts.

Here's what I've learnt about/thanks to writing and creating consistently for an entire month: 

#1 You can do this!
Did I think I could do this when I started? Probably not. But honestly, I didn't give it much thought, I just knew I had to try!
And you can do it, too! It is definitely doable, though it helps a lot if you have someone who will hold you accountable and who will push you a little bit when the original excitement drops and you waver in your determination.

#2 To make a habit of writing, make it non-negotiable
I simply decided that I will write no matter what. I turned it into a normal, everyday activity, just like making dinner or exercising. Perhaps it takes "the magic" of it a little bit, but if you're like me - inconsistent and lacking a substantial discipline - this is absolutely necessary.

#3 When the impulse comes, don't overthink it
I personally find that the first little idea is usually the best. Also, when you come across something that excites you and makes your heart beat faster and suddenly gives a lot more meaning to your day - and it could be in any area of your life - you should go for it. If you stop and think about all the possible difficulties and setbacks, or decide that you won't start until you have everything carefully planned out, the odds are your will never do it. Allow yourself to go with the flow. Do the first small step and then let life surprise you!

#4 No, it really doesn't have to be perfect - and it won't be!
Yep, I really had to get rid of my perfectionism for this challenge. I had to write fast and just get it done. And it's sooo liberating to hit that publish button and not worry about re-reading it one more time or re-writing that difficult paragraph. Because really, who says it should be perfect? And what is 'perfect' anyway? I decided to create my own 'perfect', which is 'written from the heart, with intention to connect to others and help them as much as I can, and have fun doing it!'.

#5 Keeping all your other priorities in mind is essential, though!
Make sure that you do not become too absorbed in your creative process or in the online world. Don't you have a family to feed and a house to clean? I know... but seriously, I had to remind myself sometimes that there are actual, real people in my life who need my attention, time, love and care - and a lot of it, too. So just schedule your daily tasks cleverly.

#6 Trust the process
Once again, you don't have to have it all figured out and planned out. Trust yourself and the source of your inspiration. Start with the first thing that catches your attention and see where it'll lead you. Try to be a little more spontaneous in your writing. Give your inner creativity some space to expand and bloom, spend quality alone-time, surround yourself with beautiful, inspiring objects, go out into the nature... it might not happen over night, but eventually you'll be able to get into the flow much more easily.

#7 It's good to live what you write
To me, that's a matter of personal integrity. If you post some tips on improving your life or advancing your spiritual practice, you should make sure they really work for you and follow through with them. It's so easy to give people advice, we all seem to be experts on solving other people's problems, right? Make sure to start with yourself. After all, having our life as an example is the best advertisement.

#8 Make art a habit, not a chore
Don't exhaust yourself. That creative part of you needs to rest and recharge from time to time. If you want to get serious about your writing, you'll have to make it a habit, but it mustn't be something you have to do. Obligation kills imagination.

What do you do to stay creative? :)

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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Catching my breath today...

This is part 29 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

I never liked the saying, popular in my country of origin, that one ought to stop when things are at their best. But now that the challenge is coming to an end, I'm beginning to understand this idea more and more. And I'm wondering what it is that's making me press on and write. Even today, when it's raining outside and I feel exhausted and have dinner to make. How do I know that it's not just the ego wanting to reach that goal? Why is it important to have the 29th post published?

God knows I needed this consistency and yes, this achievement, too. But perhaps it's time to grow past that... I want to do everything with love. From my heart... reaching the hearts of others. Because how else can you reach them? So, if today I can't write from heart, and I actually feel it, in my chest, begging me for a minute of stillness and silence, a little private talk, together, maybe I ought to do that instead. To catch a breath.

Today my message is simple: stop and catch your breath. You don't have to do everything. Don't believe that voice in your head telling you that you do. Love yourself enough to rest, meditate and do at least one of the things that make you happy. You know, those things you've been putting at the end of your list, because, well, they're "just" for pleasure, they bring "only" plain, simple joy.

You deserve that.

You're meant to enJOY your life.

If your heart tells you to rest, allow yourself to do just that.

How are you going to enjoy your life today?

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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Your life is important

This is part 28 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

That's right, your life is important.

You and your life matter.

Did you know that? Do you know that? Do you live that?

I know I used to listen to people sharing their grand dreams or talking about how they've created something wonderful and helped lots of people, and I used to think "Well, that's awesome, but that's THEM. They could do it. People like them - whatever that means - can do things like that." But somehow I never included myself in "their" category. I viewed my life as little and isolated and, yes I can just say it, insignificant. My little life, my little self, doing my little thing, nothing that important really... But believing this is believing a lie.

When you think of it, this attitude is simply irresponsible. It can lead to idleness, lots of wasted opportunities and ultimately a life of regrets. I've said it before and here it comes again: you have a destiny to fulfill! You've been given certain gifts and abilities so that you could USE them; the most important one being your ability to LOVE. So claim your responsibility for it. All of your gifts, everything. Share it, spread it, give it freely, create some more!

And if you're still wondering, no, I'm not saying that we should just all come up with some ambitious scheme to change the world.

But we have to realize that it all starts with each and every one of us. And I've met far too many wise, insightful, loving and caring people who were constantly playing it small, not believing in themselves and in all of those amazing things they had to offer. And so they could have become true pillars of their family and their community, but they viewed themselves as little. One thing you have to keep in mind: if you don't believe in yourself, nobody will.

Don't waste it. Whatever it is that you have to share, to contribute. Don't waste it. And yes, I'm talking to YOU! You are not by any means excluded from this. If you think there's nothing in you good enough or worth sharing, I urge you to think again. Can you love? Can you help? Can you listen? Can you care? Then you have the exact qualities this world needs most.

Do you know that God wants you to be His agent? He wants you to extend His love and blessings to as many people as possible. You can work undercover if you want. But know that if He thinks you have what it takes (which He does), you HAVE what it takes!

By acknowledging that your life matters, you acknowledge that for others, too. You can make a difference; if you don't know where to start, simply ask for guidance, trust that still small voice within you. Know your gifts and dare to use them. Dare to aspire to something greater. Whatever 'greater' means to you.

So, what does it mean to you?

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Monday 27 October 2014

Where are you going?

This is part 27 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

I know, I know. I like asking questions. I ask them a lot.

Because I believe that if you really take the time to answer at least some of them for yourself, you will see your perception change.

You know, I also get asked a lot of questions. And one of the most frequent ones lately has been Have you considered going back home?

It's logical because I don't have a job here, besides my man I've only got one friend in the UK, I have zero social life (it's difficult to have one without money), and it is sometimes hard to remain cheerful when I'm isolated from everyone, keeping myself occupied with this or that, wanting to feel like I'm NOT wasting my time, while there's this other part of me that keeps telling me that I am. Sometimes I can even forget where I'm living now. And the world outside our windows seems so awfully peaceful and organized, and my thoughts and feelings are so not... And on the streets everybody seems to know where they're going while I'm just wandering around. And they all look like they belong somewhere and like they know what I don't about how to get in control of your life and make it happen.

And yet, deep down I do not envy them.

And my answer to that question is always: Yes, briefly. But I'm staying here.

Do you want to know why?

Because I've made a decision that I am not going back home until I have my victory or until all the Heavens come down to tell me that it's time to go!

I'm way past that point where I would fool myself into thinking that if I'm lost here, I can find myself somewhere else. No, you find stuff right where you've lost it. I'm way past that point where I would retreat back into my comfort zone when I've finally managed to break through it, albeit just a little bit. I'm not going back home until I have found out why I've been led here in the first place, until I've finished what I'm supposed to accomplish here, until I've discovered what I'm capable of.

I am not going anywhere until I've made the most of where I am right now.

As one of my favourite authors, Joyce Meyer, says: Don't ever move until you've bloomed where you're at!

And that's not really something anyone can decide about. That's how things are. You're never going to move forward until you've learnt all you were supposed to learn from that situation, and until you've accepted it AND yourself as you are/have been.

Of course, there are situations which you simply have to run away from, like those that threaten your life, physical or mental health, or general wellbeing. But even then, do make sure to always learn your lessons fully. If only so that you won't make the same mistake again. Don't ever shy away from an opportunity to grow. Yes, it is hard. It requires perseverance, patience and trust. But it is worth it.

I know my adventure here in the UK will be worth it. There's a promise nestled in my heart, there's a purpose behind everything I'm going through. There's my life, my potential, and that quiet yearning to follow my calling to be fulfilled.

So my questions for you today are:

Where are you going?
Have you bloomed where you're at?

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Sunday 26 October 2014

Today: the day to live

This is part 26 of my 'Led By Heart' series for the 31-day writing challenge. You can find the list of all my 31 posts here. Click here to check out the other participating blogs!

You know what they say... people wait all week for Friday, all year for summer and all life for happiness...

Let's make a conscious choice now that we're going to stop waiting.

Today's quote is a little reminder for you for the forthcoming week.

You can make the most of your time.

One day at a time, one minute at a time.

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